FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) teams participate in a new Game each year that requires them to design, build, test, and program autonomous and driver-operated robots that must perform a series of tasks. FIRST Tech Challenge teams can be only two students, but are usually between six and ten. FIRST Tech Challenge is designed for students in grades 7-12.

Proven, Verifiable Impact
The majority of FIRST Tech Challenge participants take part in key Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities on the team and experience gains in a number of outcomes such as:
STEM Awareness, Skills, Intent
- 92% greater awareness of STEM
- 93% design the robot, or robot part
- 86% interest in doing well in school
- 87% Express Interest in Attending College or University
21st Century Work-Life Skills
- 85% self-confidence
- 100% teamwork
- 93% solve disagreements
Leadership, Innovation, Entrepreneurship
- 92% increased leadership skills
- 88% use math to solve a real world problem
- 98% solve unexpected problems
Girls in FIRST see amazing impacts. All FIRST participants are significantly more likely to have stronger STEM outcomes compared to their classmates, as evidenced by the FIRST Longitudinal Study. However, girls in FIRST report the largest differences in STEM outcomes over time when compared to their female peers, and higher than boys.
Each year there is a new Game which is revealed in September. The playing field for the Game consists of the FIRST Tech Challenge game pieces set up on a foam-mat surface, surrounded by a metal and Lexan field frame. Each Tournament features Alliances, which are comprised of two Teams, competing against one another on the playing field. Your partner in one match may be your opponent in another match.
Find out more about the current BC FIRST Tech Challenge Season – INTO THE DEEP.

Teams work to overcome obstacles and meet challenges, while learning from, and interacting with their peers and adult Mentors. Students develop a greater appreciation of science and technology and how they might use that knowledge to impact the world around them in a positive manner.
They also cultivate life skills such as:
- Planning, brainstorming, and creative problem-solving.
- Research and technical skills.
- Collaboration and teamwork.
- Appreciation of differences and respect for the ideas and contributions of others.
If you want to start a team in BC we have a step-by-step guide to starting a team.
Check out our Resources for FTC Teams.

We’re planning events and activities in both Victoria and the Vancouver area. Check out the Events page for a list of current dates, times and locations.
Contact Us for more information about FIRST Tech Challenge in British Columbia.
FTC Team Showcase
FTC Team Showcase – team photos from the POWERPLAY season
CENTERSTAGE FIRST Tech Challenge Championship Sizzle Reel
Past FTC Seasons
Click on this link if you are looking for past FTC seasons.