Join us on September 23rd for start of season events in Victoria and Vancouver for FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST LEGO League. All FIRST events are free and open to the public.

In the Vancouver area we’re holding a FIRST LEGO League kickoff event for the MASTERPIECE season from 1-3pm at L.A. Matheson Secondary School in Surrey. Come join us for the launch of the FIRST LEGO League Challenge MASTERPIECE Season 2023-2024 and Free hands-on workshops with LEGO Robots! For more information about the Vancouver event and to register please go to the event page.

In Victoria were holding a season start event at the University of Victoria in the Engineering/Computer Science(ECS) building room 125. These events are open to the public and students interested in joining a team are welcome.
- 9am – Noon FIRST Tech Challenge (grade 7-12) will host hold an open field and workshops. The CENTERSTAGE field will be set up for Q&A with a Ref, teams to explore, and there will be short workshops on a variety of topics.
- 1-3pm FIRST LEGO League (K – grade 8) will host a hands-on event where you can learn about this year’s game challenge, and the different programs for each age group.
For more information about the Victoria event and to register please go to the event page.