Team applications are now open for the largest, most competitive, international, off-season FTC tournament in the world!
Teams from regions where the Championship was cancelled or postponed past March 23rd due to the COVID-19 outbreak are encouraged to still apply. In these cases it is vital that you submit a three minute video showing the capabilities of your robot.
When: June 19-21, 2020
Where: Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, MD.
Spots will be earned through achievements on the playing field during the SKYSTONESM season. Applications will close on March 23, 2020. Come be part of the excitement and compete for cash grants for your team!
Additional opportunities at the Maryland Tech Invitational (MTI) include the TechAction STEM Exposition and the Intern Recruitment and Networking Program.
See the MTI website for more details and to apply: mdtechinvitational.org
Questions, comments? Direct them to mdtechinvitational@gmail.com