BC FTC League 2 Results

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BC’s FTC League 2 event was held January 24 at St. Michael’s University School. 12 teams from BC and Washington State participated.

League 2

Match Results

Match Result Red Blue
Q-1 30-0 R 13724 12156
13459 3491
Q-2 32-70 B 13464 7198
12354 13549
Q-3 4-139 B 13505 12598
13311 11589
Q-4 24-8 R 12156 3491
13549 13464
Q-5 116-38 R 12354 13724
12598 11589
Q-6 40-12 R 13311 13505
7198 13459
Q-7 50-56 B 12156 13549
11589 12354
Q-8 0-131 B 13311 7198
3491 12598
Q-9 26-56 B 13505 13464
13724 13459
Q-10 40-85 B 13549 13311
3491 11589
Q-11 88-14 R 7198 12156
13505 13724
Q-12 125-44 R 13464 13459
12598 12354
Q-13 46-97 B 13549 7198
11589 13724
Q-14 48-113 B 13464 13311
12156 12598
Q-15 33-52 B 13459 13505
3491 12354

MatchMaker Scheduling Software © 2007 Idle Loop Software Design. LLC
FTC Scoring Software © 2017-2018 FIRST®
Match Results generated at 01/24/18 08:22:52 PM

Team Rankings

(just based on League 2 Matches)

Rank Team # Team Name QP RP Highest Matches
1 12598 Green Jelly Beans 10 134 139 5
2 7198 Cyborg Ferrets 10 104 131 5
3 12354 Belmont Bytes 6 197 116 5
4 13549 EMCS Robotics 6 176 70 5
5 13311 ORBO 6 104 113 5
6 11589 Fusion 4 178 139 5
7 13464 Fission 4 158 125 5
8 13724 BUILD IT 4 124 97 5
9 13459 Gear Girls 4 115 56 5
10 13505 ROBO 4 89 88 5
11 12156 PSII 2 120 50 5
12 3491 FIX IT 0 81 40 5

QP (Total Qualification Points) – 2 Points for a WIN, 1 Point for a TIE, 0 Points for a LOSS.

RP (Total Ranking Points) – Ranking points are awarded using the losing alliance’s score in each match.

Highest (Highest Match Score) – The highest match score awarded to the team.

Matches Played does not include surrogate matches.

FTC Scoring Software © 2017-2018 FIRST®
Team Rankings generated at 01/24/18 08:22:52 PM