Here are the awards from the December 3 FLL endorsed tournament in Surrey BC.

Award | Type of Award | Team Name | Team Number |
Champions Award 1st place | Trophy | Forces of Atlantis | 33968 |
Champions Award 2nd place | Certificate | Spirit Wolves | 23309 |
Champions Award 3rd place | Certificate | PARD | 23648 |
Robot Performance | Trophy | Gifted Ones | 30699 |
Robot Design Award | Certificate | Gifted Ones | 30699 |
Mechanical Design Award | Certificate | Gifted Ones | 30699 |
Programming Award | Certificate | Alvin and the Chipmunks | 31243 |
Strategy & Innovation Award | Certificate | HD Stafford Team Phoenix | 29745 |
Project Award | Trophy | PARD | 23648 |
Research Award | Certificate | The Three Rusty Gears | 25220 |
Innovative Solution Award | Certificate | Marvel Institute of Technology (MIT) | 32841 |
Presentation Award | Certificate | PARD | 23648 |
Core Values Award | Trophy | Hephaestos I | 30309 |
Inspiration Award | Certificate | Spirit Wolves | 23309 |
Teamwork Award | Certificate | Hephaestos I | 30309 |
Gracious Professionalism® Award | Certificate | Hephaestos II | 35976 |
Volunteer Award | Certificate | Julie Occleshaw |