November FLL Coach Chat


Online get-together for FIRST LEGO League coaches and mentors. We are planning to talk about the how-to of doing robot runs, and about award allocation in FIRST LEGO League Challenge. As always, this is also a chance to exchange coaching experiences and ask questions. Meeting link    

December FLL Coach Chat


Online get-together for FLL coaches and mentors. This is a chance to share experiences, to ask questions and to connect with other coaches and mentors. Meeting link:

FIRST LEGO League Coach Chat


An informal online meeting for coaches, mentors and parents/guardians. We'll talk about anything that concerns you, plus about team organization and tournament prep (so that teams come to the robot table prepared, and they have practiced robot runs enough to not need much set-up time). Meeting link: Or dial:     +17782008149 Canada (Vancouver, BC) […]

FLL Coach Chat


The first of our monthly coach chats this season. This is not just for registered coaches but for anyone who is working with a team - parents/guardians, mentors, friends - also anyone who is considering being a judge or referee. A chance to talk, compare experiences, and to ask questions. We won’t have a specific […]

FIRST events are free and open to the public.