St. Margaret’s School FTC Qualifier Results

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St. Margaret’s School hosted a FIRST Tech Challenge qualifier on January 25 2025 in Victoria. Robot inspections and judging interviews were held in the morning. Opening ceremonies were held about 11am and Qualification matches started after that.

The event was streamed on YouTube and can be viewed on the FIRST Robotics BC YouTube channel. 

Thanks to Antaya Schneider for taking photos of the event which can be found on Flicker. There are also team photos and photos of the Award winners.

Qualification Matches

The FTC Events website has the list of Qualification match results. See FTC Events for the list of team rankings after qualification matches.

Congratulations to team 26908 Teamsters, they were the top-ranked team after qualification matches.

Playoff Matches

The top four teams each selected an alliance partner and we entered the playoff rounds. FTC-Events has the playoff match results.

Congratulations to the winning alliance: team 26908 Teamsters and their alliance partner team 22111 Mecha Mustangs.


The awards are also posted in FTC Events.

Inspire Award20025Esquimalt Atom Smashers
Esquimalt High School
Inspire Award 2nd Place26908Teamsters
Winning Alliance – Captain26908Teamsters
Winning Alliance – 1st Team Selected22111Mecha Mustangs
L.A. Matheson Secondary School
Finalist Alliance – Captain20025Esquimalt Atom Smashers
Esquimalt High School
Finalist Alliance – 1st Team Selected18840Reynolds Reybots
Reynolds Secondary School
Think Award18840Reynolds Reybots
Reynolds Secondary School
Connect Award417S.K.I.D. (Space Koalas In Disguise)
Swerve Robotics
Innovate Award sponsored by RTX6220DRIFT (Dinosaurs Racing in Food Trucks)
Swerve Robotics
Control Award22263More Thunderbots
Spectrum Community School
Motivate Award17453T.U.R.B.O.
St. Margaret’s School
Design Award22111Mecha Mustangs
L.A. Matheson Secondary School


This event advanced 6 teams to the BC Championships in February. The order of advancement is from Section 4 Advancement in the Competition Manual and takes into account teams already advancing or ineligible.

  • Inspire Award 1st Place: 20025 Esquimalt Atom Smashers
  • Winning Alliance Captain: 26908 Teamsters
  • 3rd Place Alliance Partner: 16353 Reynolds Raiders
  • Control Award 1st Place: 22263 More Thunderbots
  • Motivate Award 1st Place: 17453 T.U.R.B.O.
  • Highest Ranked Team not already advancing: 25748 NCS Trail blazers